Alternate planning

Addition of Destination and/or Enroute alternates

  1. Build the core of your flight plan using any waypoint addition methods you choose. You can even build multiple stages before adding alternates.
  2. Tap on the EnRoute map near the place you wish to add as an alternate.
  3. From the Nearest Items list, select the intended place by tapping its row. This will bring up the Waypoint Details menu for that place.
  4. Scroll down to the very bottom of the list (below the CHARTS section), you’ll see options to Add Destination Alternate or Add Enroute Alternate. Tap on the appropriate option. 
    • If you have multiple stages created, you’ll see options to add to the various stages.
  5. A grey track line (or lines) will be drawn from your primary track to the alternate. The Destination alternate waypoint will also be added to the flight plan. Enroute alternates are added to the flight log as a RMK, and a line is drawn from your Critical Point to that location.
    • If you have multiple Critical Point calculations set up for your particular aircraft (such as single-engine, or single-engine and depressurised) and they are , you may see multiple grey lines from the enroute alternate to the various critical points.
    • If you are utilising enroute alternates, it’s recommended you enable the ‘Auto Waypoints in Plan’ option within Settings > User Settings. Then waypoints like TOC, CP, TOD, etc are added as separate waypoints within your flight log, not just as annotations on the map.
    • Destination and Enroute alternates on map
  1. If you have nominated an Enroute Alternate:
    • It will automatically be added to the RALTN remark in the ICAO Flight Plan submission page. This is also an alternative way of entering an Enroute Alternate. Type the airport code in this field, and it will be added to the flight plan.
      Enroute Alternate remark
    • A remark will also be visible in the full screen and printed flight plans (when Auto Waypoints in Plan is enabled. See User Settings)
      Flight log remark

Removing alternates

  Remove Alternate
  1. Tap on the EnRoute map on the place you wish to remove as an alternate.
  2. From the Nearest Items list, select the place by tapping its row. This will bring up the Waypoint Details menu for that place.
  3. Scroll down to the very bottom of the list (below the CHARTS section), you’ll see options to Remove Destination Alternate or Remove Enroute Alternate. Tap on the appropriate option.


Legacy destination alternate addition method

Having an appropriate alternate in your flight plan is an important part of being prepared.  Thankfully, AvPlan EFB makes it easy to add and have the fuel calculations in place, should your plan A not work out as expected.

After completing the main part of your flight plan (i.e.  your departure airport, destination airport and intermediate waypoints as needed), tap the plus above the flight plan.


In the ‘Add Track Point’ popup, ensure the switch is set to Alternate. You can then type in the name or airport code.  From the results, tap the blue plus next to the desired airport.  If you have the flight plan set to IFR, you’ll be given the option to select connecting routes (just like when planning to your primary).



Your alternate will now be submitted as part of the flight plan.  Each stage in a multi-stage flight plan can have an alternate.  Alternates are also not limited to IFR planning – they can be added to VFR plans, too (handy for night VFR!).

While in flight, having made the decision that your primary is no longer appropriate, you can activate navigation to your alternate by either tapping the Next Leg button (top-centre of En Route pane) or pressing and holding the first alternate line in the flight log then selecting Activate Leg from the Leg Settings menu.

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